Susan Hoeppner Presents

Join Susan for a flute masterclass series like no other.
Through the study and performance of specific solo excerpts, together we will explore the intricacies, difficulties, and subtleties of flute repertoire. “Appreciated for being a ‘born soloist’ where one can almost hear the words in her flute song” Susan is delighted to share her experience, knowledge, and unique perspective with the upcoming generations of aspiring musicians and pedagogues.
Follow @susanhoeppnerflute on Facebook or Instagram for masterclass updates throughout the year.
Attend live or purchase a class to view later! Available worldwide.
Current 2024 Masterclasses
January 27th
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Preparing for Auditions:
out of the practice room and onto the stage.
1 class: $100/performer
1 class: $50
February 10th
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Preparing for Auditions:
out of the practice room and onto the stage.
1 class: $100/performer
1 class: $50
Classes are available to attend live on Zoom or to purchase and view later.
Applications are open and will be accepted until a class is full.
Apply early to reserve your spot today!
Payments will be made through PayPal.
Payment plans are available by request.
Questions? Contact us for more information.